外资(欧美) 少于50人 专业服务(咨询、人力资源、财会)
外资(欧美) 少于50人 专业服务(咨询、人力资源、财会)
Wehrle Personal Beratung (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a German recruiting company based in Shanghai. We search and select local talents for German and other western companies. Our company is officially registered and authorized for Human Resources services by the Shanghai government. We mainly focus on specialist- and executive positions for medium-sized production and trade companies. We do business like our clients do: Down-to-earth but professional. Our values are: Trustworthiness, Quality, Clarity and Action. Our vision is to be: “The best German recruiting company for German medium-sized companies in China.” 上海博园管理咨询有限公司是由上海市政府合法注册的德资猎头企业.主要为在沪德国及其他欧美企业推荐优秀的本土人才。 秉承诚信,优质,明晰,高效的办事原则,我们致力于为中型德国生产和贸易型企业推荐合适的中高级专业技术管理人才。 我们的目标是成为中国最好的德资猎头公司,为中小型德国企业提供专业可靠的人才中介服务。